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Picking your path



Everyone who joins a Fit Club gets to pick a personalized workout program and nutrition path  - based on your goals, preferences and lifestyle!   We have several different options to get you started. 



BODi membership:  You are getting 24/7 streaming access to hundreds of workouts, plus step-by-step fitness guides, nutrition plans, the Fixate cooking show + printable workout calendars.  You can stream your workouts from your laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device. Everything is online!  I personally stream mine via Roku in my workout room but when I travel I download the BODi app on my iPad and get access wherever there's wifi.


You can pick any of these and belong to our Fit Club this month:

Establishing Routines

21 Day Fix

Morning Meltdown 100

80 Day Obsession


4 Weeks For Every Body with the Gut Protocol


3 Week Yoga Retreat

Barre Blend



Fire + Flow

Weight Training Focus



#MBF (Muscle Burns Fat)



9 Week Control Freak

Cardio/HIIT Focus

10 Rounds



Let’s Get Up 

30 Day Breakaway is our 'couch to 5k' running program




For maximum results we will also be incorporating a nutritional into your meal plan.  We have three main nutrition options for you:


1. One is a macro-based plan that requires no counting, just color-coded containers! This plan is best if you like to make sure you are exactly on plan, and it's called the Ultimate Portion Fix.  It provides structure and organization to your day.  You're given a simple, portion controlled system to use with color coded containers. There is NO calorie counting or weighing food, but it does provide you with a macronutrient plan to make sure your body is getting all of the food groups each day to stay balanced and energized.  *This is my personal preference of nutrition plans to follow because I have a control-freak, type A personality! 


2. The second is an intuitive eating plan. This plan is great for those who do not like to feel restricted and it's called 2B Mindset. It is a program where there's NO counting calories, NO feeling hungry, NO portion control and NO off-limits foods.  This is for people who are emotional eaters, have a history of eating disorders, have sugar addictions or who want really loose guidelines that they can take anywhere.  


3. Our newest nutrition option is The 4 Week Gut Protocol. This nutrition program is all about finding the foods in your diet that are not serving your body. The foods that cause inflammation and fatigue, hinder weight loss, and overall just do not agree with you! This plan is 4 weeks long and then you would transition into one of the main nutrition options above, but with the knowledge to avoid triggering foods for you! I recommend this program to all of my new clients, as it truly is a game changer!



Our community is held in a private Facebook group! It is a place where we track our workouts and nutrition, provide daily support, share recipes, and help hold one another accountable.  It is such a supportive group of women who are all here trying to be the best we can - but who are very open and honest about their struggles, obstacles and just real life mom stuff!  No one in this accountability group is perfect, including me!  Without this community, I am not sure I'd be where I am today having stuck with using this exact healthy formula for over 6 years straight!  Some women come in as a kickstart and then leave when they feel they have a good handle on their health with our help to get them started.  Others have been with me for years and are still on their healthy path because they see the value in belonging to a supportive group of women who are just like them.  


The community is where I post our weekly meal plans each Saturday, too!  I provide everyone with a grocery list around 7am so you will always have plenty of time to prepare for the upcoming week. 


We have several different Total Solution Package (TSP) options to get you enrolled, ranging in price from $220-$260 for a base package. Each of the packages you can choose from will get you one year of online streaming workouts of all our programs, access to the portion control and intuitive eating nutrition programs, your first month of supplements and access to our online accountability group for the month.   


There is also a plan that let's you pay as you go for $99/month that includes ones month of BODi streaming access and a 20 day supply of Shakeology, access to nutrition programs and access to our online accountability group for the month.


Option one

Shakeology TSP:  We replace one meal each day with it.  It is made from whole foods with no artificial ingredients or additives and truly is my missing link in nutrition. It’s also helped with my digestion and ability to absorb protein & iron which has been an issue for me since having my kids. This just makes the nutrition plan EASIER for me, and I highly recommend this package if you're new to our nutrition plans! THIS IS FOR MY FRIENDS WHO DON'T GET ENOUGH VEGGIES OR PROTEIN IN THEIR DIETS! 


Option two

Shake & Hustle TSP:  You want to work out but you can’t seem to find the energy. You want to eat better but your sweet tooth is always calling.  This duo is going to help make those goals 1,000% easier. It's my pre-workout Energize and meal replacement shake combined for a discount in the same bundle! It comes with our two best sellers - in 20-serving sizes so you won't have an overflow of product.


Option three

Go & Glow TSP: it has my 3 favorite supplements Energize, Hydrate and Collagen are what I drink every morning to get my day started with energy, aid in hydration and boost my hair, skin and nails. This is a great option if you are wanting to add collagen into your diet as you age for skin and nails or if you're someone who tends to get dehydrated easily when working out.  

Option four

ENERGIZE + RECOVER Performance TSP: you'll get monthly servings of a pre-workout drink and post-workout recovery drink. This is for my mommas who want motivation to exercise as well as a protein supplement to re-fuel after intense workouts.

Option five

My monthly pay as you go plan! For $99/month you can join me for my monthly accountability group- with a monthly package! It will include a 20 serving bag of Shakeology and access to the BODi platform for 30 days.  You can decide when you want to join and when you are sitting that month out.  You will only have access to the platform for the month that you sign up for.  This can work if you wanted to test it out, or enjoy paying as you go instead of being locked in for a year. 


You decide how you want to join!


Ready to get started?! 

Please fill out this form now to make me your coach if you have not already done so.  *complete if you have ever ordered from Beachbody/BODi before. If you have never ordered anything then you can skip this step. 

My info: email is and coach ID is 2510266.

PLEASE FILL THIS OUT  if you'd like to enroll with a total solution package (TSP).

FILL THIS OUT if you'd like to enroll with the $99/month BODi Basics package, no commitment.

By filling out the form, it provides me with your personal choices so that I can set up your enrollment purchase package! You're telling me which of these tools you’d like to add to your plan!  If you're choosing the Gut protocol, I will also add in the gut health supplements into your package, they are needed for that.  Once I see what you’d like to start with, I’ll send you a separate enrollment email with your cart to complete the order.  It’ll have the pricing there for you to review.  Once you complete your enrollment, I will send you a welcome email that will get you started!


I cannot wait to work together!!!




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