Our Success Is Rooted In Our Mindset

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

What are the secrets to BODi Partner successes + mindsets?

Everything rises and falls on mindset. Whether you think you can or you can't - you're right!

After being a BODi coach for about one year, I got on a plane from Hartford CT to New Orleans, LA to attend the annual conference called Coach Summit. Not knowing what to expect, I was absolutely blown away by the energy of the people around me and the magnitude of the entire event. I knew I had just entered the scene of LEADERS who had mastered their mindsets and I felt out of place.

I listened to coach after coach share their success stories. They were all average, ordinary and normal women who had achieved extraordinary accomplishments. As the stories unfolded, I realized that if THEY could do it, SO COULD I. Because I was super basic, too! So what had to change? My mindset had to level up because it was obvious that theirs had. It was my missing piece toward success.

I left that conference knowing that I had to make goals for myself that were big and scary. Looking back, I realized that it was my attendance at summit that year that allowed me to get clarity in my vision and to refine my goals.

Bright and early the next morning, before leaving to catch our flight, I went live on my team page for the first time. I was petrified of being on a video back then and as my voice shook, I delivered my very first vision statement to my team back at home. On my plane ride home, I started reading the notes that I took and creating an action plan for how I was going to be more organized, more productive with my time and listed all of the reasons why I should be proud of where I am right now. Knowing that the more I worked on my own mindset, the more confident I would become and the more I could succeed.

I learned on that trip that I wanted to be A LEADER and pave the way for the women who were in my organization. I cast my very first VISION for us as a team on that shaky Facebook Live call - as a leader who was stepping into her role! I took the first step. I made a vision board and promised I would MAKE MY GOALS MY REALITY! And I realized that everything was dependent on MY OWN MINDSET. I had to learn this and teach this to our organization.

I believe that the basics of building a BODi business are actually very easy. Inviting, following up, posting on social media… those things are NOT difficult. What is more challenging are the stories that we tell ourselves as to whether we can or cannot be successful. Our mindsets are everything!

Over the last 6 years I have read so many personal development books that I lost count. They are the exact tools that helped me go from shy, awkward, doubtful and fearful to the leader that you see today.

Here are some of my favorite personal growth books - this is your starting point!

I want to share how I start each day of my business. In the morning, I visualize what I’m grateful for, I set my intentions for the day and I pray and meditate, seeking insight into how I can impact someone that day. I think about how I want my day to go. I read my vision statement, basically I start my day right. I list all of the things that are already going well for me, too as a "book of proof". I focus on the “wins” so that when I do have challenges/set backs I can come back to these pages and be reminded that each day I am taking steps towards my future self!

This could look like:

I helped someone get started on their fitness journey.

I helped a new team member make their first sale.

My client lost their first 5 pounds in my Fit Club.

My team mate shared her first live video on our team page and broke through her comfort zone.

Guys, being in business on social media isn’t easy and I'm not going to pretend that I don't have bad days where things don't go wrong. But I can tell you that I am so grateful that I can call this work - it is such a blessing! And, all the hard work is worth it! It's priceless to live the life you get to create doing what you love!

If I stopped earning the FREE TRIPS as a BODi partner, stopped creating financial flexibility for our family and stopped mentoring other brand partners who wanted this lifestyle...I'd STILL HAVE MY MINDSET as the byproduct of being a coach for the last 6 years. Which impacts so many areas of my life.

Grateful is an understatement. Feel free to share this blog post with a friend who wants the resources, encouragement or the success story to read and inspire as many women as possible.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a BODi Partner in my organization, click here.

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