A Mom's Guide To Making Herself a Priority
Alright, after coming back from an amazing weekend retreat in Sundance, Utah (blog post coming later sharing the details of that trip!), I have truly discovered what I want to do more than anything. I want to show, to TEACH, mothers (new and old) how to find themselves. I firmly believe in the necessity of moms taking care of themselves first so that they can be better for everyone else who needs them. I have been through the struggle, the journey, and have figured out exactly how to crawl out of that space we have all been in. The space where your kids and husband ALWAYS come first and your overwhelm with life becomes guilt and resentment toward your family. The negative self talk that happens when you TRY to put yourself first, but fail. The spiral of emotions - including anger - that flood your mind when you are just failing at life, realizing that having kids is not AT ALL like you pictured when you were 25.
That's why I have specifically designed a challenge group for mothers who NEED HELP. I feel compelled to pay it forward to all of the moms who are just getting by and who really feel lost in their role as a mother/wife/daughter and who really, truly are not living their best life like they want to.
Of course, you KNOW I'm going to tie this into eating healthy and exercising. How can I not? It is what SAVED me. I sound dramatic, but it's the absolute truth and I'm going to show you the steps that I took to overcome this major life setback. Sound good? Take a look at what I'm going over in my 30 day Momma's Comeback challenge:

What's covered:
WHY STRUCTURE IS SO IMPORTANT (for you and your kids!)
how to organize your life, planning out your day
recipes, meal prep resources, instructional videos
Then, we pull it all together. Simple shifts to make it a true lifestyle.
What I've learned the MOST out of my own journey into motherhood was that there's nothing quite like the connection you have with other MOMS. Other people who effing GET it. So, high five to everyone who has helped ME over the years. Especially the master multitask-er herself - MY MOM!

Join us in the
Momma's Comeback: Life After Babies Challenge
starting on June 17th, designed to get you the results you're desperately looking for.
You'll Get:
Access to hundreds of different workout programs for an entire year.
Why is this so DAMN amazing?? Because you'll have strategically designed workouts to follow with weekly schedules designed by the top trainers in the industry. No thinking. No guessing what you should be doing. Just follow the calendar. In your own house. No babysitter. No driving. On your own time, whenever it works for YOU. Hundreds of at-home workouts with your own program designed around what your abilities and interests are, choosing from:
•yoga •Pilates •high intensity interval training (HIIT workouts) •boot camp style •cardio and weight training •dance
A superfood shake that is NOT, I repeat for the thousandth time, NOT just another protein shake!!!!
Please read about it HERE. This is where I teach you how to take your crappiest meal of the day and turn it into your easiest and healthiest automatically without any thought or preparation. (No freaking brainer!)
1:1 coaching from me on topics including
•Daily check-ins
•Weekly progress check-ins
•Mid-week tweaking whenever you need it
•Support from other moms who are all getting healthy together •Setting your goals (your outline for success!)
A nutrition plan without counting calories!!!
•Meal Prepping •Eating for weight loss
•Emotional eating and food mindset
•Controlling your portions
STOP the take-out lunches that you punish yourself with guilt for later! Learn how to finally get your body moving so that you have more energy and you can stop snapping at your kids when the day is all about them and you feel trapped!
You have likely spent a LOT of money on things trying to get you healthy, like Soul Cycle, protein blends from Whole Foods, memberships to yoga studios and supplements from GNC. If your goal is getting healthy, watching your portions, and exercise, you've got the best value in the history of wellness with the challenge I'm offering.
If you’re like me you don’t have a ton of time to invest in being healthy, either! That’s EXACTLY why I created this program. We are all in this together! Let us show you how it’s done! I will personally walk you through the process of HOW to change your eating patterns, help you pick an exercise program that meets your ability level AND check in with you daily to keep you on track.
This exact program in itself doesn't even exist with a personal trainer - who by the way could cost you up to $1,000/month!!! I will help you SET GOALS, and we all know that you need to have an outcome envisioned before it can become reality.
Check out the photo below where I was cranky, sleep deprived, let the day run me, and fell into the excuse of "momhood" allowing myself to carry around 40 extra pounds! No more - my transformation photo and happiness says it all!

I will help you peel back the layers of where your health is RIGHT NOW and get you to WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!!!!
Deadline to join is WEDNESDAY 6/12 at 11:59pm EST!!!
You ready?! Of course you’re not no one ever is! Start your journey NOW, ready or not here you come!!! Tick-tock.
Let’s GO!
xoxo, Jen