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Willpower. It’s a word I despise. I don’t believe in it. Fundamentally, it’s like telling yourself “I’m not good enough”. I like to give people more credit than that. I believe each of us has the ability to choose the outcomes we get in life. Therefore, telling yourself over and over again in your mind that you “don’t have the willpower” is bullshit. It’s a story you’re telling yourself.

Re-framing how we think is the KEY to losing weight, getting in shape, making good choices around nutrition and maintaining this. That’s it. Today, I have created a little exercise for you to challenge yourself with, and you won’t even have to get off the couch. The goal here is to gain some clarity around your personal struggles when it comes to food, exercise and self love. They all go hand in hand. By answering these questions, you will gain knowledge about yourself that you either did not realize or maybe you knew but your subconscious mind was suppressing. Either way, bringing these thoughts to the surface can significantly improve your mind’s ability to accept who you are and allow you to grow. Remember, it’s NOT about willpower. It’s about having a PLAN. And that starts in your head.

  1. What comes to mind when you think about starting to follow a clean eating nutrition program?

  2. What have you been telling yourself in your mind that may sabotage you before you even begin? (For example, “it is hard”, “i won’t follow through”, “I don’t know what I’m doing”)

  3. What would it feel like if at the end of 30 days, you actually DID IT and learned how to make healthier choices in your mind first that felt easy, planned out, and not super restrictive?

  4. What is holding you back from taking control of your health RIGHT NOW?

  5. Where do you want to be in 90 days when it comes to your health?

Your answers are what are holding you back in your mind. Your vision of yourself for the future 30 days from now is your goal. How are you going to get there? What’s your PLAN?

Are you on a weight loss journey and need some guidance? I’m currently offering a Jumpstart Health Package that can be your success tool to finally realize it’s not about willpower. It’s about having a PLAN.

What’s Included:

  • 5 Samples of Shakeology (Chocolate, Vanilla, Cafe Latte)

  • Provides your body with all of its vitamins, minerals, amino acids, pre and probiotics, adaptogens and protein along with dense superfoods

  • Shakeology helps to eliminate belly bloat, stops cravings, increases energy

  • 5-Day Jumpstart Clean Eating Plan that includes

  • Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner

  • A no-brainer way to begin or restart a healthy pattern for yourself, all the work is done for you!

  • 10 days of 1:1 support from me!

  • I will help you create your strategy, plan of attack, set your month’s goals and jumpstart this whole journey with you!

  • You may tag me, PM me, email me for support whenever you need it for the first 10 days to really kick you off the right way.

TO ORDER: PRIVATE MESSAGE ME for a link! First come, first serve!

I can only accommodate 8 people this month!

Offer ends Thursday, December 7th!

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