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It is time to stop the negative self talk, to find the time to make yourself a priority and place emphasis on your health and fitness because that is how you boost confidence, your energy and your mood.

Love The Skin You're In Fitness Challenge, Starting February 19th

Did you ever wake up and look in the mirror and think, "who is that?"  If you feel like you've let yourself go, gained an extra 15 pounds and have no idea how it even happened, you have ridiculous dark circles under your eyes - Congratulations!!!  You must be a mom!

The sleepless nights and sacrifices for your kids are worth it, don't get me wrong but when you realize it's not about you anymore, EVER, then that should be your breaking point.  Of course, it's mostly about them, but I am here to show you it HAS to also be about you sometimes, too.  Your personal time that has been non-existent up until now is going to make a comeback!

Let's also talk about your stomach.  I don’t know about yours but mine has been through the ringer. Stretched 2 times to the max.  I gained almost 50 pounds with each kid.  What about that?  What do you do when the baby is born and you are left with what I call mom-jiggle?!!!  It is a humbling experience to become a mom and no one quite prepares you for that. Or the loose skin.

This leaves me to the place that I was in 2.5 years ago.  Sitting on my closet floor frustrated and crying because I couldn't find a single dress that fit me to wear to my daughter's baptism!!!  I felt so defeated.  I had NO clothes, no self confidence, I was exhausted and I needed something NOW!  I didn’t love my skin, I didn’t feel good and I had to make a change.  I was introduced to clean eating, Beachbody at home workouts, and Shakeology for the first time through a coworker years before but I didn't decide to join until this breaking point.  I no longer had the ability to leave the house to go to the gym, extra montey to hire a trainer or a nutritionist and I didn't have anyone to watch the kids.  But I did have a basement, a laptop and some weights that I could use to workout at home.  I finally felt I hit the point where I could commit to doing the workouts and had the drive and determination to change.  

Over the course of those next 6 months I focused on “ME” for at least 30-45 each day.  I would set my alarm for 4:30am and hit the basement for my workout session.  I sweat, I cried, I thought I would never change, but then right before my eyes my body started to shift.  I doubted the process, I doubted myself but I continued to follow the workout schedules and eat clean. 

As I drank Shakeology daily my skin began to glow, my hair and nails got stronger, and I had more natural energy to keep up with my kids.  I was stronger and I started to have more confidence.  WHAT!!!!  I never had to lose weight in my life before I had my kids and this was so different for me.  But I was doing it.  And it did not feel hard.  I was hooked, I mean I REALLY liked who I was transforming into.  

I can say that because of my coach showing me the Beachbody way, the support of the challenge group and the other women in the group I truly have found a way to love the skin that I am in!  It’s never going to be my pre baby skin but hey I earned those stretch marks and saggy skin!  I embrace the parts of me that have changed due to being a mommy.  But I finally resemble my OLD SELF, the ME I remember and I FEEL like my old self again.

So now, my job as a coach is to pay it forward.  I am launching a Love The Skin You're In Fitness Challenge that matches you up and with a fitness program and nutrition guide to meet your needs and walks you through the process of changing your unhealthy habits, creating a more positive mindset, embracing your imperfections and chucking the word diet to the wind.  We are not dieting, we are creating a healthy lifestyle.  

When does the group start?  
-Monday February 19th, 2018 with a week of plan and preparation and the workouts start the following Monday.

What Do I Need For This Group?
-Each participant is required to have me as their coach.  You can create an account here.  

-You are required to do a Beachbody fitness program, which I will help you to pick the one that best fits your needs.

-You are required to replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the 5 weeks because as I am teaching you how to change your eating habits and give you the tools to make this a lifestyle change we want to have at least 1 meal each day that is quick and easy but isn’t lacking in your nutritional quality.  Shakeology does that!  It is my saving grace because quite honestly there are days that I am so busy that I don’t have time to make a balanced meal so this is my go to!!!  Plus it really does taste awesome!  

–You are required to check into our online closed Facebook group daily where I am going to share tips, recipes, meal plans, tips to  handle eating out, and emotional eating plus improving your body image.

–My goal is to get you a program that you are excited about and that you start and complete it. I do not want it to be something that sits on your shelf and collects dust!  

Does this sound like something you would like to do?

If so, take the time to complete the application (find the button below).  I will contact you within 24 hours to discuss whether this would be a good fit!  I am accepting a small group of customers for this group and I would love to have some motivated women who are really ready to make a change!  Lets face it, there will never be a perfect time.  The right time is now!  So lets get started!  

I am NOT going to let you fail!  I am going to support, guide and help you to truly make a change, live a more positive life and embrace who you are on the inside out!  We live in a world full of comparison and its time to RELAX and just BE YOU!!!!!!


Love The Skin You're In!

By participating in this challenge, you can expect to:

  • Lose 5-8 pounds in 30 days.

  • Learn how to use exercise as a stress reducer.

  • Learn how to handle and stop emotional eating

  • Eliminate the constant bloat by making some simple nutrition tweaks that I swear by.

  • Accept yourself for where you are in your journey - no more comparing yourself to others!

  • Increase your energy for the said mom duties and be in a better mood because you are finally giving yourself some attention!

  • Gain clarity around a sensible approach to weight loss and learn how to keep it off forever!

With The Love The Skin You're In Fitness Challenge YOU WILL GET:

  1. A calendar of structured, strategically designed workouts for you to follow that will incorporate all of the necessary types of training that burn fat fast.  In 30 minutes a day, done in your own home, whenever it works for you.   

  2. A dense, all natural super-food shake that gives your body all of it's daily requirements of nutrients in one meal so your cravings stop and your energy is through the roof.  Please read about it here .  We all know how expensive good food can be - AS IT SHOULD BE!!! If you want to change your health, you have to change your mindset around the expense of food - because I’m sorry but you get what you pay for.

  3. Support from me (a health coach and physical therapist) in order to set goals, monitor progress, tweak routines and someone who will check in with you when I think you're struggling - which can be THE REASON you stick with a program this time.  I will personally walk you through the process of HOW to change your eating patterns, help you pick an exercise program that meets your ability level AND check in with you daily to keep you on track.

  4. Support from other health-minded individuals who are in this together!  You'll have a place to share your struggles and your success, in a judgement-free-zone!  Positivity, motivation, support and compassion for your weight loss journey.

I'm actively enrolling NOW!!


30 Days of Self love, Fitness Motivation, accountability & Clean Eating support

You deserve to make yourself a priority!

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